Saturday, November 27, 2010

Snow, snow, and more snow

It's finally pleasant outside today. The snow is melting almost as fast as its coming down. Why can't it always work like that? Josh and I finally got the christmas decorations out last night and started decorating. We did everything but the tree, we need to buy another stand of lights, I swear christmas lights are the worst when one blows out! Josh went through the entire strand trying to find the one that was out but he never found it. Yesterday I was looking at flameless candles and I was trying to figure out why we have regular candles anymore. The ones I was looking at were scented, real wax, and you could set a timer for how long you wanted it to stay on! Isn't that crazy? And you would think they would be so much more expensive than regular candles, but have you see the price of a good candle these days? I can't believe it. I may have to invest in these so called flameless candles :) Plus, they never burn out, you just replace the batteries lol. Well, I haven't updated in a while so I figured I would. Maybe I will post Christmas pictures when we are all done. ;)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Health Insurance

Yay! I'm finally getting health insurance. I sent in my application at the end of October and I found out last night it was approved!! I'm most excited because now we wait 12 months and we can start trying to conceive, if we still want to in a year, I'm sure we will :) At least now if I get sick I can ACTUALLY go to the doctor!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Fantasy Football Team!

Ok, ok, so in the beginning I wasn't sure if I could ever get into the whole football thing every Sunday... I must say I am writing this just to brag before it's too late...I'm #1 in my fantasy football league!! I'm 6-1! Isn't that fricken sweet! Josh is moving up in his league, he is #3, not quite as good as me ;) This week is a tough one, I can't decide what guys I want to play, its so hard to choose sometimes! Anyway, I was proud, just had to share that :)